Friday, 3 July 2015

Fiji Ex-Servicemens' Association

Well, last night we went for a walk in town and heard some sort of festival going on.  We followed the happy sounds and came across the annual fund-raising meeting of the Figi Ex-Servicemens' Organization.  We walked up to the man pictured in the wheelchair, who turned out to be the Secretary of that organization. Wilson mentioned that we were both also veterans - the man was very pleased. Then, in typical Wilson fashion, he said, "May we join your organization?"  

To say they were welcoming is a gross understatement!  The secretary stopped the program, grabbed the microphone and, in Fijian, announced our presence and took a vote right there and then to offer us membership.  It was unanimous, and immediately we were introduced to the dignitaries attending and other officers. Then all of the older ladies ran up and I don't think we've ever been hugged or kissed more.  One lady tied a colorful sulu around Wilson, some men offered us kava (which we declined), and everyone started telling us who they knew in America. One woman even has a brother, an engineer, who lives in Salt Lake City!

At the MTC we were encouraged to become part of the community as we serve our mission. I think we're getting there!  Now, please tell me that the Lord is not directing our paths. These sorts of things, on a small scale, are happening every day!

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